Enacted-Effective 9/1/11: HB 2492 -- Adding adult incapacitated children to family allowance, etc.

Caption: Relating to the family allowance, treatment of exempt property, and an allowance in lieu of exempt property in the administration of a decedent's estate.
Author: Naishtat
Bill History
Bill Text

Relevance:  HB 2492 would amend 12 sections of the Probate Code to add adult incapacitated children to the list of persons who may benefit from the family allowance, exempt property and allowance in lieu of exempt property.


Enacted-Effective 9/1/11: SB 1303 -- Changes to 2009 Estates Code recodification (decedents' estates)


x-Did Not Pass: SB 1299 -- Recodification of guardianship statutes